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为了更好解答这个问题,三节课联合黄有璨老师推出本门重磅课程。 这门课程的目标是让运营、营销人可以更好理解生成式AI的本质,知道如何才能更好对于一切运营、营销工作进行分析、解构,找到工作要点,并且也能快速学会如何长期积累和建设自己的专属案例库+优质语料库,帮更多运营、营销背景的同学们可以更高效的从底层真正掌握AI时代的“运营/营销人成功范式”。

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为了更好解答这个问题,三节课联合黄有璨老师推出本门重磅课程。 这门课程的目标是让运营、营销人可以更好理解生成式AI的本质,知道如何才能更好对于一切运营、营销工作进行分析、解构,找到工作要点,并且也能快速学会如何长期积累和建设自己的专属案例库+优质语料库,帮更多运营、营销背景的同学们可以更高效的从底层真正掌握AI时代的“运营/营销人成功范式”。







- 現役のAI開発者から学ぶ

- 実際の現場でどのように使うのかを解説

- 完全体系的に学ぶ

- アルゴリズムのスクラッチ実装により完全に理解して進める

- 数式を丁寧に解説

- 図を多用しイメージで学ぶ

- Pytorchでの実装も紹介

- 学習したことをすぐに実データに適用可能

- DockerとJupyterLabを使った本格データサイエンス環境 (Dockerを使って簡単環境構築)

- これ1本で理論x実装が同時に,着実に学べる











- 現役のAI開発者から学ぶ

- 実際の現場でどのように使うのかを解説

- 完全体系的に学ぶ

- アルゴリズムのスクラッチ実装により完全に理解して進める

- 数式を丁寧に解説

- 図を多用しイメージで学ぶ

- Pytorchでの実装も紹介

- 学習したことをすぐに実データに適用可能

- DockerとJupyterLabを使った本格データサイエンス環境 (Dockerを使って簡単環境構築)

- これ1本で理論x実装が同時に,着実に学べる






Unlock the Secrets to Crafting Bestselling Romance with AI!

Are you ready to harness the power of cutting-edge technology to craft a captivating fictional romance novel? Dive into this comprehensive course tailored for visionary writers like you. Our meticulously designed program unravels the secrets of leveraging ChatGPT to breathe life into captivating storylines, intriguing characters, and mesmerizing narrative arcs.

But we don't stop there!

Discover how to enhance your novel's universe with rich images. Dive deep into the magic of Midjourney, the game-changing platform that empowers you to generate images for both your book's interior and its covers, ensuring that whether it's an eBook, paperback, or hardcover, it's nothing short of a masterpiece. Our promise? An outstanding book cover that speaks volumes!

Formatting woes? Say no more. This course transforms you into a formatting maestro, teaching you the ins and outs of creating a KPF (Kindle friendly format) — the gold standard for eBooks. We guide you, step-by-step, ensuring your paperback and hardcover versions are nothing short of perfection.

Gear up for an in-depth dive into Canva, Midjourney, and Creative Fabrica, ensuring you're well-versed in copyright nuances. Equip yourself with the skills to diligently check for trademarks when titling your book. Guarantee your content's uniqueness, learning how to monitor AI percentage and meticulously vet for plagiarism, ensuring you always remain within Amazon's esteemed guidelines.

Elevate your writing prowess as we unveil strategies to craft compelling prompts that yield outstanding results. Harness the untapped potential of ChatGPT extensions, refine your writing style, and curate a tone that resonates with your book's essence. And here's our ace card: we're unveiling the blueprint to embedding that unexpected twist and gripping plot elements that'll have readers hooked!

Your publishing journey is streamlined, guiding you effortlessly through the KDP upload process, crafting an irresistible book description, smoothly navigating the Amazon previewer phase, and striking that sweet pricing spot.

But why stop at publishing? Go beyond the bookshelf! We impart the know-how of synergizing ChatGPT, Voiceover AI, and Canva to create viral sensations on platforms like YouTube Shorts and TikTok. Learn to weave in VIRAL suspense techniques that'll pique Audience's interest.

Why wait? Dive into this transformative journey, where technology meets creativity, and let's redefine the world of fiction romance together!


Unlock the Secrets to Crafting Bestselling Romance with AI!

Are you ready to harness the power of cutting-edge technology to craft a captivating fictional romance novel? Dive into this comprehensive course tailored for visionary writers like you. Our meticulously designed program unravels the secrets of leveraging ChatGPT to breathe life into captivating storylines, intriguing characters, and mesmerizing narrative arcs.

But we don't stop there!

Discover how to enhance your novel's universe with rich images. Dive deep into the magic of Midjourney, the game-changing platform that empowers you to generate images for both your book's interior and its covers, ensuring that whether it's an eBook, paperback, or hardcover, it's nothing short of a masterpiece. Our promise? An outstanding book cover that speaks volumes!

Formatting woes? Say no more. This course transforms you into a formatting maestro, teaching you the ins and outs of creating a KPF (Kindle friendly format) — the gold standard for eBooks. We guide you, step-by-step, ensuring your paperback and hardcover versions are nothing short of perfection.

Gear up for an in-depth dive into Canva, Midjourney, and Creative Fabrica, ensuring you're well-versed in copyright nuances. Equip yourself with the skills to diligently check for trademarks when titling your book. Guarantee your content's uniqueness, learning how to monitor AI percentage and meticulously vet for plagiarism, ensuring you always remain within Amazon's esteemed guidelines.

Elevate your writing prowess as we unveil strategies to craft compelling prompts that yield outstanding results. Harness the untapped potential of ChatGPT extensions, refine your writing style, and curate a tone that resonates with your book's essence. And here's our ace card: we're unveiling the blueprint to embedding that unexpected twist and gripping plot elements that'll have readers hooked!

Your publishing journey is streamlined, guiding you effortlessly through the KDP upload process, crafting an irresistible book description, smoothly navigating the Amazon previewer phase, and striking that sweet pricing spot.

But why stop at publishing? Go beyond the bookshelf! We impart the know-how of synergizing ChatGPT, Voiceover AI, and Canva to create viral sensations on platforms like YouTube Shorts and TikTok. Learn to weave in VIRAL suspense techniques that'll pique Audience's interest.

Why wait? Dive into this transformative journey, where technology meets creativity, and let's redefine the world of fiction romance together!